Sunday, April 15, 2012


I'm pretty sure every American citizen is familiar with the term capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system that includes: the private ownership of the means of production, creation of goods or services for profit or income, the accumulation of capital, competitive markets, voluntary exchange, and wage labor. It is the system in which America is run -a system where man has the freedom to run, own, compete, and gain.

Now everyone knows that with nearly everything there comes both positive and negative things. Capitalism sounds like one of the best ways to run a country, however there are some cons. Capitalism is believed by some to promote competition and strip away legitimate equality. Many instances may occur in a capitalistic government where competition is divided unequally and unfairly. (For instance where a member of the minority may have to compete with a member of the majority -one can assume that the majority member will most likely win).
The competitive aspect of a capitalistic country may result to individual's focus to be more so on individual profit and away from the profit of the community as a whole. Many people have recently seen how companies will destroy the health or welfare of a country or community, in return for self benefits. Due to the unfair distribution or intensity of competition, the wealth within a country will be unevenly distributed -in which a capitalisticc government is not required to regulate the wealth distribution of a country.

On the flip side capitalism is a type of economic system where hard work is paid off. It provides economic growth, in which individuals are given a wide range of beneficial opportunites. In this type of government individuals have the freedom to think for themselves and make their own descisions that can either make or break their company. Every descision made by that individual will effect that individual's pocket. A capitalistic government keeps citizens motivated and encouraged. Capitalism brings about social mobility for individuals to experience. There is no doubt that hope is available for every individual living under capitalism.


  1. Great blog. I like how you defined capitalism and stated many pros and cons of capitalism

  2. I like the overall concepts your blog implicitly hinted. The idea of capitalism causes a lot of selfish thoughts and malicious actions that really makes one wonder if it really is ideal for a country to function.

  3. Church. I really like your first con, competition isn't always fair. And the fact that it brings out our selfishness.

  4. I really like how indepth you are about the topic. You sound knowledgeable, especially with the example you give. Very well explained
