Friday, December 9, 2011

Rags to Riches: Mariah Carey

Rags to riches refers to any life story in which an individual experiences extreme upward social mobility -from lower to upper class. These stories, like many functionalist believe, inspires and provides hope for members of the lower class and is best known to occur in the United States -a major part of the "American Dream."

The person I decided to blog about was Mariah Carey, one of the world's most successful singers. Mariah, along with her household family, struggled with disapproval from others -including her maternal family members- because of the ethnicity mix. Mariah's mother was Irish-American and her father half Venezuelan and half African American. Her mother's family's disapproval resulted to neglection an issue Mariah is still struggling with today. Because of the strain on  her parents marriage the two -Alfred and Patricia- got a divorce, Mariah was only three. Born in Huntington, New York Mariah watched her mother struggle as a single mother to provide for her and her younger sibling.

Mariah's mother was talented in the arts, in which she obtained a career as aan occasional opera singer and vocal coach. Mariah did not receive vocal assistance from her mom and recalls sneaking a radio to bed and just singing her heart out every night before falling asleap. Mariah's mother hadn't pushed her into the opera style of singing, but instead allowed her to develop her own voice, and express it the way her heart desired.

After Mariah graduated from hgih school, her mother married and Mariah moved into a one bedroom studio apartment with four other girls. Mariah payed her portion of the rent by working numerous waitress jobs, many in which she was fired only after two weeks. Mariah, while waitressing, created a debut-album with a high school friend in an effort to get signed by any record executive she passed it on to. She recieved rejection from nearly all record executives, but was later introduced to Brenda K. Starr -a Puerto Rican descent pop singer.

Her relationship with the pop singer grew and it was then that Mariah's debut-album reached the hands of Tommy Mottola -head of Colombud records. After Mariah Carey's first album she received exposure at the 33rd Grammy Awards, won best new artist and best female pop vocal performance. The album landed three number one singles on the Billboard Hot 100 and stayed on the charts for eleven consecutive weeks. From here on, Mariah's career sky-rocketed. Mariah is now ranked number six on the 20 richest women in entertainment.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Social Stratifcation

According to sociology, social stratification is a hierarchy of positions with regard to economic production which influences the social rewards of those in the positions. Regardless what you chose to believe social stratification exists, and in my opinion always did. There was always a division between the rich and the poor as soon as society was formed.

What many people dont look into is the identification of individual's status. People are found saying I don't judge, but these are the very same one's who turn around and make a mental note of specific items another inidivual may possess in order to place them in their mental social pyramid. I do it, and for you reading this I'm sure you do too. It happens instantaneously when one is introduced to an unfamiliar face. The thing with these mental status assumptions is that well nowadays they're not very accurate.

Middle class and well the upper maay obtain the same items. For instance, someone in the middle class may own an i-Pad or a BMW, just like an indivual in the upperclass. These days many doctors and lawyers fall under middle class, where in the past it wasn't so. Businesses and companies now are opening up a wider marketing span, where the lower classes are being considered and advertised to. I think this is based upon the fact that the majority falls under the middle class category which leads back to where the most profit lays.

Judging was always looked at as a bad things, but the thing is in a society where social stratification exists it's unavoidable. Me, I won't because I know that most of my assumptions will not be completely accurate, so I'll leave the judging for the Big Man upstairs.

Friday, November 11, 2011

High School & it's Peer Pressures

When it comes to high school there are numerous things one may get pressure to participate in. Whether it be sex, drugs, or even skipping these pressures nearly always originate from one's peers. Because of this the type of activity may vary depending upon what type of friends one obtains. Personally, my peers (the ones I am mostly associated with) pressure me positively. The things I am pushed to do, I consider encouragements rather than pressures.

My friends encourage me to succeed, better myself as a person, and positively impact others throughout the day. With that I am pushed towards growth, growth that will prepare me for things far after high school and even university. I am pushed to succeed, in which my peers denounce the lazy spells that have a tendency of creeping up in times of dissarray. They inform me about clubs or events they know will assist me with my career choice (ie. BPA- Business Professionals of America). I am assisted in mending my flaws, in which my #team will identify my actions -big or small- that may have offended or humiliated someone; afterward offering their "next time" advice. My close peers push each other to do a "deed of the day", where we reassure someone their inportance in life an to others.

Peer pressures come from one's peers. Whether that pressure is positive or negative does not depend upon an individual's peers, but rather that individual. Choosing your friends wisely come with numerouse benefits, for your friends influence your actions. Show me your friends...and i'll show you who you are.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kids & the "Herb"

It is fact that marijuana usage in teens is on the rise. According to, "60 percent of teens who use drugs use only marijuana." Can you believe that? First off let me clarify what marijuana is. Marijuana -also referred to as pot, herb, weed, grass, Mary Jane, reefer, skunk, boom, gangster, kif, chronic, and ganga- is a mixture of leaves, seeds, stems, and flowers shredded together from the cannabis sativa plant. Yes, I know you're probably wondering why those components are said to be harmful to ones body, if they are all natural. Well guys, the cannabis sativa plant contains many harmful chemicals. The main chemical is tetrahydrocannabinol, which makes up most of the plant and is the most harmful. This chemical, also known as THC, is the main factor in the effects marijuana has on its users. THC acts upon the part of the brain known as the cannabinoid receptors. This part of the brain greatly impacts the one pleasure, memory, thinking, concentration, sensory perception, and coordination. A marijuana intoxicant my experience an altered conscious perception, euphoria, relaxation, stress-reduction, enjoyment of music and the arts, anxiety, abstract or philosophical thinking, and paranoia. These side-effects are short-term, but marijuana usage can ensure long-term effects, even more severely for a developing young individual. A teen's limbic system, area that controls memories and emotions, in the brain is fully developed, wherein their prefontal cortex, area that controls judgement is not. The limbic system is greatly impacted by the THC chemical found in marijuana, this combination results to teens developing a severe dependence on marijuana. Studies have shown that marijuana usage in teens increases feelings of depression and anxiety, these teens are three times more likely to have suicidal thoughts. Teen users in the long run may develop schizophrenia, a intense mental disorder known to ensure emotional blunting, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behavior, delusions, and hallucinations. If you weren't worried about America's future being in the hands of the next generations, you should be now. Make a difference in your community, and help build marijuana awareness; because it sure is dangerous!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Blue Tape: Can't Learn without it, right guys?

Blue tape: a learning enhancer, a board necessity, and man's greatest creation. If you're NOT
familiar with the great "blue tape", then honestly you've got to be living under a ROCK. It's the
best thing since sliced bread. Without that blue tape pasted on my classroom board, there is absolutely
 no way I can learn for, a proper learning enviroment is never complete without blue tape. My school
administrators possess the same approbation as I when it comes to tape (specifically colored blue)
being implemented in classroom boards.

With blue tape, learning gain is promised, in which Fort Lauderdale High School is sure to remain on top.
Every student needs blue tape, for its many purposes: taking up board space, distracting students, and
utilizing extra school funds (that FLHS already lacks). I feel, I'm sure along with many of my colleages,
that before paper, ink, dry-erase markers, books and other school "neccessities" are purchased, blue tape
should be bought and implemented in each classroom; after-all we can learn without those things, but sure
can't learn without that miraculous "blue tape".

I feel that administrations strong enforcement on its implementation is greatly required. Some teachers have
the audacity to place GREEN tape on their board, and think that students will be positively impacted by it,
much like how blue tape POSITIVELY effects us; THE NERVE! Blue tape is under-rated, unappreciated, and even neglected by many. Once the new blue tape policy comes into full effect, I'm sure everyone will truely see how effective blue tape really is. (In British accent): I LOVE MY BLUE TAPE!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Subculture: Preppy :)

Many youth have heard of the term: Preppy. In our society the term "preppy"
 is used mostly to describe others who are usually always energized or happy,
enunciate words, and wear sweaters tighed around their necks. Preppy derived
from the term prepatory schools (usually located in northeastern America). These
kids usually act, dress, and speak a specific way.

Unlike some subcultures the term now usually denotes a dresscode preference
rather than a lifestyle. Movies such as John Hughs, The Breakfast Club, Sixteen
Candles, and Pretty in Pink were produced in the 80's and depicted the preps of
the 80's (when the term "preppy" was born).

I personally have been called preppy, and at first took offense. Every subculture
has a stereotype, and many ignorant people dont know where the term originated from.
A prep was considered someone who was well educated and attended private schools.
Before you take offense to what someone calls you, always remember to do you research;
what someone intended to be an insult, really could be a complement.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Domestic Violence

Despite the fact that domestic violence has been publicly spoken out against more now than ever before -whether it be in movies or published articles- there has been an increase in domestic violence, a shocking rate of 42% According to domestic violence can be defined as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power or control over another intimate partner. Sounds ridiculous, i know, but if you really were sit down and ponder upon the different domestic violence scenarios shown through the media, it isn't hard to identify that the offender usually comes across as an individual desperately trying to maintain power over the victim.

What's even more shocking is estiamtes range from 960 thousand to 3 million for incidents of domestic violence yearly! I find it sad that an individual with insecurity issues would stoop as low as abusing a love one in order to receive an ego boost or even for the self-satistfactoring feeling of being in "control". I find the fact that individuals, -especially women- tolerate or even develop excuses for their partner that practices such abhorrent behavior, troubling; children make these situations worse, being that what they see in a household, most times, is what they grow up to execute.

Before writting this blog, while doing research, I read some domestic violence success stories and realized that in every situation, no matter how hope-crushing it may seem, there is infact hope; one must build their own aspiration to flee the life of bondage and despair and fight for the life every good person deserves to live, one full of liberty, joy, abundance, and delectation.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Obesity & Poverty

If you live in America, it isn't hard to believe: Obesity is continually increasing. According to, "In the last 30 years the number of children who are overweight has tripled to 15%. Once you factor in all the other American children (obese, average, and under-weight), still one-third of the nation's children are either overweight or obese. Can you believe that? This problem all boils down to the fact that Americans are not properly nourishing their bodies, -but feeding on the little nutrition found in fast foods-
and not receiving enough physical activity one needs in order to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle. Many times this may correlate with poverty, in which poor people are unable to purchase healthier foods (which tend to be on the more expensive side) or are incompetent of affording gym memberships or sports clubs.

With the increase in technology and the frequent consumption of fast foods in America, obesity rates in the US are the highest in the world; 74.6% of US citizens are overweight or obese; crazy I know, but wait till you hear about the numerous health related issues associated with obesity. Obesity are the top causes for heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis, gout, breahing issues, and gallblader & gallstone diseases. Regardless of these deadly consequences people are indifferent to the quality and quantity of food they consume. states that one out of every eight deaths are due to obesity; ludicrous, i know!

Many obesity awareness campaigns have developed to lessen the astonishing numbers in America, and thoguh there intentions are high there effectiveness are low. Honestly, i feel that they're targeting the wrong audience, and aren't going about it the right way. One must understand that obesity and poverty go hand in hand; someone who is obese becomes poor (due to health issues/medical bills), and someone who is poor can become obese (due to the diminutive food options at neighborhood stores or pricing at general stores). Once this concept is understood,  campaigners trying to build obesity awareness can focus on impoverished neighborhoods  and reduce the obesity rates there first. Everyone should be given the opportunity to a live healthy and happy life, commencing this opportunity requires change and change starts with just one individual, you!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Umm..Yea -__- I guess this is my Intro...

Honestly, I DON'T know how to start this blog thing off (due to the fact that, well, this is my FIRST blog & I'm not the "blogger" type), but I guess the best way to start anything off is with an overused salutation "Hi" and maybe even an explanation as to why I created a blog when I just stated that I'm not a "blogger." My explanation: "Basi made me." Blissful was I as I walked into my first block and greeted one of my favorite teachers, Ms.Basi. Deceiving was her gorgeous smile/greeting: for I interpreted it as a reassurance that, that block was going to be an enjoyable block much like every day in her class. Little did I know that I WAS WRONG. I sat in class like the courteous STEP-UP student that I am, and pulled out my i-Pad. I was instructed to sign into my g mail account and go to "" (I knew the name seemed 'suspect'). I now sit here "blogging" about my inner-most feelings & what not (it's a grade...Can you believe it? The audacity!) Any-who, comment & follow because like me you have NO choice but to.

-Jah bless,
Brownin' :)