Friday, November 11, 2011

High School & it's Peer Pressures

When it comes to high school there are numerous things one may get pressure to participate in. Whether it be sex, drugs, or even skipping these pressures nearly always originate from one's peers. Because of this the type of activity may vary depending upon what type of friends one obtains. Personally, my peers (the ones I am mostly associated with) pressure me positively. The things I am pushed to do, I consider encouragements rather than pressures.

My friends encourage me to succeed, better myself as a person, and positively impact others throughout the day. With that I am pushed towards growth, growth that will prepare me for things far after high school and even university. I am pushed to succeed, in which my peers denounce the lazy spells that have a tendency of creeping up in times of dissarray. They inform me about clubs or events they know will assist me with my career choice (ie. BPA- Business Professionals of America). I am assisted in mending my flaws, in which my #team will identify my actions -big or small- that may have offended or humiliated someone; afterward offering their "next time" advice. My close peers push each other to do a "deed of the day", where we reassure someone their inportance in life an to others.

Peer pressures come from one's peers. Whether that pressure is positive or negative does not depend upon an individual's peers, but rather that individual. Choosing your friends wisely come with numerouse benefits, for your friends influence your actions. Show me your friends...and i'll show you who you are.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Kids & the "Herb"

It is fact that marijuana usage in teens is on the rise. According to, "60 percent of teens who use drugs use only marijuana." Can you believe that? First off let me clarify what marijuana is. Marijuana -also referred to as pot, herb, weed, grass, Mary Jane, reefer, skunk, boom, gangster, kif, chronic, and ganga- is a mixture of leaves, seeds, stems, and flowers shredded together from the cannabis sativa plant. Yes, I know you're probably wondering why those components are said to be harmful to ones body, if they are all natural. Well guys, the cannabis sativa plant contains many harmful chemicals. The main chemical is tetrahydrocannabinol, which makes up most of the plant and is the most harmful. This chemical, also known as THC, is the main factor in the effects marijuana has on its users. THC acts upon the part of the brain known as the cannabinoid receptors. This part of the brain greatly impacts the one pleasure, memory, thinking, concentration, sensory perception, and coordination. A marijuana intoxicant my experience an altered conscious perception, euphoria, relaxation, stress-reduction, enjoyment of music and the arts, anxiety, abstract or philosophical thinking, and paranoia. These side-effects are short-term, but marijuana usage can ensure long-term effects, even more severely for a developing young individual. A teen's limbic system, area that controls memories and emotions, in the brain is fully developed, wherein their prefontal cortex, area that controls judgement is not. The limbic system is greatly impacted by the THC chemical found in marijuana, this combination results to teens developing a severe dependence on marijuana. Studies have shown that marijuana usage in teens increases feelings of depression and anxiety, these teens are three times more likely to have suicidal thoughts. Teen users in the long run may develop schizophrenia, a intense mental disorder known to ensure emotional blunting, intellectual deterioration, social isolation, disorganized speech and behavior, delusions, and hallucinations. If you weren't worried about America's future being in the hands of the next generations, you should be now. Make a difference in your community, and help build marijuana awareness; because it sure is dangerous!