Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Obesity & Poverty

If you live in America, it isn't hard to believe: Obesity is continually increasing. According to helpcurechildobesity.com, "In the last 30 years the number of children who are overweight has tripled to 15%. Once you factor in all the other American children (obese, average, and under-weight), still one-third of the nation's children are either overweight or obese. Can you believe that? This problem all boils down to the fact that Americans are not properly nourishing their bodies, -but feeding on the little nutrition found in fast foods-
and not receiving enough physical activity one needs in order to maintain a happy and healthy lifestyle. Many times this may correlate with poverty, in which poor people are unable to purchase healthier foods (which tend to be on the more expensive side) or are incompetent of affording gym memberships or sports clubs.

With the increase in technology and the frequent consumption of fast foods in America, obesity rates in the US are the highest in the world; 74.6% of US citizens are overweight or obese; crazy I know, but wait till you hear about the numerous health related issues associated with obesity. Obesity are the top causes for heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, cancer, osteoarthritis, gout, breahing issues, and gallblader & gallstone diseases. -webmd.com. Regardless of these deadly consequences people are indifferent to the quality and quantity of food they consume. Surgeongeneral.gov states that one out of every eight deaths are due to obesity; ludicrous, i know!

Many obesity awareness campaigns have developed to lessen the astonishing numbers in America, and thoguh there intentions are high there effectiveness are low. Honestly, i feel that they're targeting the wrong audience, and aren't going about it the right way. One must understand that obesity and poverty go hand in hand; someone who is obese becomes poor (due to health issues/medical bills), and someone who is poor can become obese (due to the diminutive food options at neighborhood stores or pricing at general stores). Once this concept is understood,  campaigners trying to build obesity awareness can focus on impoverished neighborhoods  and reduce the obesity rates there first. Everyone should be given the opportunity to a live healthy and happy life, commencing this opportunity requires change and change starts with just one individual, you!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Umm..Yea -__- I guess this is my Intro...

Honestly, I DON'T know how to start this blog thing off (due to the fact that, well, this is my FIRST blog & I'm not the "blogger" type), but I guess the best way to start anything off is with an overused salutation "Hi" and maybe even an explanation as to why I created a blog when I just stated that I'm not a "blogger." My explanation: "Basi made me." Blissful was I as I walked into my first block and greeted one of my favorite teachers, Ms.Basi. Deceiving was her gorgeous smile/greeting: for I interpreted it as a reassurance that, that block was going to be an enjoyable block much like every day in her class. Little did I know that I WAS WRONG. I sat in class like the courteous STEP-UP student that I am, and pulled out my i-Pad. I was instructed to sign into my g mail account and go to "blogger.com" (I knew the name seemed 'suspect'). I now sit here "blogging" about my inner-most feelings & what not (it's a grade...Can you believe it? The audacity!) Any-who, comment & follow because like me you have NO choice but to.

-Jah bless,
Brownin' :)